[ Editor-in-Chief ] [ Impact and Quality Information ] [ How to Submit ] [ Best Articles ] [ Documents for Accepted Manuscripts ] [ Document for Special Issue ]
Ned Kock, Texas A&M International University
IJeC’s editorial board is made up of a distinguished group of researchers in a variety of areas. Most of those researchers are housed in MIS or similar departments (e.g., Accounting and MIS, Information and Operations Management) of universities around the world.
Several of IJeC’s editorial board members and authors are among the most accomplished researchers in the world in their fields.
IJeC positions itself as a specialty A-level journal.
The expected acceptance rate of IJeC for the coming year is between 10 and 15 percent of all submitted manuscripts. Invited manuscripts, editorial notes, and book reviews are not considered in the calculation of this acceptance rate.
In terms of citation impact, IJeC’s impact factor is currently 2.15. Considering the last 10 years: the average number of citations per article is slightly over 10; the ratio of citations per author per year is 62.49; and the h-index is 17.
These citation impact measures are respectable ones for a specialty-focus journal, suggesting the perception by the research community that IJeC is serious about research and scholarship. Nevertheless, we expect to gradually improve upon these measures over the next 5 years, as we have been doing since the inception of the Journal.
IJeC is listed in the following indices and databases, among others:
ACM Digital Library
Burrelle's Media Directory
Cabell's Directory
CSA Illumina
DEST Register of Refereed Journals
Resources Management Association
Knowledge Board
Library &
Information Science Abstracts
Media Finder
Standard Periodical Directory
The Index of Information Systems
Ulrich's International Periodicals Directory
Some of the above databases (e.g., Proquest-ABI/Inform) provide access to all IJeC article abstracts as well as to full-text versions of IJeC articles.
Finally, IJeC is featured as a subscription-based holding in more than 360 major libraries worldwide according to WorldCat.
Via email. Authors may submit papers directly to: ijec@scriptwarp.com. Papers must be prepared according to the guidelines under "Documents for Accepted Manuscripts" (link here), with all of the elements of an accepted manuscript (e.g., authors' full contact information, figures, tables etc.) in one single file. No copyright transfer is needed for submission. Files must be under 1 MB in size to be submitted directly via email. These submissions will be made anonymous before they are placed under review.
Via Web system. Authors may submit papers online through the Publisher's Web-based paper submission system. For instructions on how to submit to IJeC through the Publisher's Web-based paper submission system, visit the Journal's official Web site at IGI Global, Inc.
Impact of Perceived Subgroup Formation on Transactive Memory Systems and
Performance in Distributed Teams
Yide Shen, Rowan
University, USA
Michael J. Gallivan, Georgia State
University, USA
Xinlin Tang, Florida State University, USA
Shared Practices in Articulating and Sharing Rationale: An Empirical Study
Lu Xiao, The University of Western Ontario, Canada
John M.
Carroll, Pennsylvania State University, USA
How is Building Information Modeling Influenced by Project Complexity? A
Cross-Case Analysis of e-Collaboration Performance in Building Construction
Christoph Merschbrock, University of Agder, Norway
Bjørn Erik Munkvold, University of Agder, Norway
Virtual Teams Demystified: An Integrative Framework for Understanding Virtual
Olivier Caya, Université de Sherbrooke, Canada
Mark Mortensen, INSEAD, France
Alain Pinsonneault, McGill
University, Canada
Revisiting Media Choice: A Behavioral Decision-Making Perspective
Hai Suan Bok, National Computer Systems, Singapore
Kankanhalli, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Krishnamurthy Raman, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Vallabh Sambamurthy, Michigan State University, USA
An Exploratory Study of How Technology Supports Communication in Multilingual
Milam Aiken, University of Mississippi, USA
Jianfeng Wang, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA
Linwu Gu, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA
Paolillo, University of Mississippi, USA
Collaborative Performance: Addressing the ROI of Collaboration
Kjetil Kristensen, ESoCE-NET, Italy
Björn Kijl, University
of Twente, The Netherlands
The Impacts of Electronic Collaboration and Information Exploitation Capability
on Firm Performance: Focusing on Suppliers using Buyer-Dominated
Interorganizational Information Systems
Ilsang Ko, Chonnam National University, South Korea
Olfman, Claremont Graduate University, USA
Sujeong Choi,
Chonnam National University, South Korea
Distributed Deception: An Investigation of the Effectiveness of Deceptive
Communication in a Computer-Mediated Environment
Randall J. Boyle, University of Utah, USA
Charles J. Kacmar, University of Alabama, USA
Joey F. George, Florida State University, USA
Vive la Différence: The Cross-Culture Differences within Us
David Gefen, Drexel University, USA
Nitza Geri, The Open University of Israel, Israel
Narasimha Paravastu, Central State University, USA
Hacker Wars: E-Collaboration by Vandals and Warriors
Richard Baskerville, Georgia State University, USA
The Technology Shaping Effects of E-Collaboration Technologies – Bugs and
M. Lynne Markus, Bentley College, USA
Guidelines for preparing accepted articles: Word file.
Copyright transfer form: PDF file.
Copyright transfer form for government employees: Word file.
Article example: Word file.
Editorial essay example: Word file.
Short bio example: Word file.
Book review example: Word file.
Sample call for papers in connection with a previous special issue: PDF file.